
Summer 2024 Graduates

posted on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 in  College News

WATERLOO — The following are Hawkeye Community College summer graduates and their programs of study. Graduates are listed in alphabetical order by city and state.

Abbreviation Key
AA Associate of Arts
AAA Associate of Applied Arts
AAS Associate of Applied Science
AS Associate of Science
CERT Certificate
DIPL Diploma
H Honors (GPA 3.5 – 3.74)
HH High Honors (GPA 3.75 – 3.99)
PH Presidential Honors (GPA 4.0)
First Name Last Name City State / Country Academic Program Degree Honors
Victor Hugo Magalhaes Raposos Brazil Liberal Arts AA HH
Finn Spence Rochdale England Marketing Management AAS
Damian Fonseca East Point GA Liberal Arts AA
Ewuraesi Panford Tema Ghana Transfer Major: Biology AS
Yatziry Gonzalez Ackley IA Early Childhood Education DIPL HH
Josie Courtney Agency IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Madison Adams Algona IA Transfer Major: Elementary Education AA
Avery Groen Allison IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS H
Brooke Niemann Allison IA Veterinary Assisting DIPL
Alicia Miller Alta Vista IA Liberal Arts AA
Geena Jensen Ames IA Veterinary Assisting DIPL
Cortnee Alberts Aplington IA Liberal Arts AA
Lia Hovenga Aplington IA Liberal Arts AA
Olivia Beatty Arlington IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS HH
Olivia Guerdet Bancroft IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS
Gisselle Murillo Belmond IA Liberal Arts AA
Vanessa Naranjo Belmond IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Sameen Afzal Cedar Falls IA Respiratory Care AAS
Katrina Betts Cedar Falls IA Human Resource Management AAS
Paige Brown Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Trevor Burbridge Cedar Falls IA Intermediate Manufacturing Welding: GTAW, Carbon Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel DIPL H
Autymn Cantrall Cedar Falls IA Transfer Major: Human and Family Services AA
Kaylee Eick Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Morgan Forker Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Samantha Gunderson Cedar Falls IA Practical Nursing DIPL H
Holly Hays Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Owen Herring Cedar Falls IA Advanced Welding DIPL
Owen Herring Cedar Falls IA Intermediate Manufacturing Welding: GMAW, SMAW, FCAW & Robotics DIPL
Owen Herring Cedar Falls IA Welding CERT
Vanessa Jensen Cedar Falls IA Transfer Major: Elementary Education AA
Kaidence Luloff Cedar Falls IA Dental Assisting DIPL H
Abigail Luvert Cedar Falls IA Practical Nursing DIPL HH
Kara Nelson Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Sadie Nolen Cedar Falls IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Jacob Raecker Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Erica Shuttleworth Cedar Falls IA Medical Assistant DIPL PH
Jordan Smith Cedar Falls IA Police Science AAS
Jennifer Stewart Cedar Falls IA Respiratory Care AAS
Keaton Voss Cedar Falls IA Liberal Arts AA
Ying Zhang Cedar Falls IA Electronics Technician DIPL HH
Tyler Bartels Cedar Rapids IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
David Carrick Cedar Rapids IA Computer Networking Technician DIPL HH
Jessica Udelhoven Cedar Rapids IA Paramedic CERT
Jessica Udelhoven Cedar Rapids IA Emergency Medical Services AAS
Cassandra Peterson Charles City IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS HH
Sydney Peterson Charles City IA Ag Business Management AAS
Devin Anderson Clarksville IA Computer Networking Technician DIPL H
Stacie Pipper Clarksville IA Liberal Arts AA HH
Stacie Pipper Clarksville IA Practical Nursing DIPL HH
Jacob Stauffer Clarksville IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Bridger Thomsen Clear Lake IA Paramedic CERT H
Austin Fortsch Colo IA Paramedic CERT H
Austin Fortsch Colo IA Emergency Medical Services AAS H
Katlyn Rundquist Coralville IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS
Avree Hansen Correctionville IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Cole Butikofer Cresco IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Grady Juelsgaard Cresco IA Advanced Welding DIPL
Kari Tangen Decorah IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Macy Thompson Delhi IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Brady Hartman Denver IA Paramedic CERT
Brady Hartman Denver IA Emergency Medical Services AAS
Bennett McIntosh Denver IA CNC Machining Technology DIPL
Jessie Smith Denver IA Practical Nursing DIPL HH
Mason Lage Dike IA Computer Networking Technician DIPL
Mason Lage Dike IA Network Administration and Engineering AAS
Nathan Stuck Dows IA Paramedic CERT HH
Maya Holz Dubuque IA Respiratory Care AAS H
Ann Buege Dunkerton IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Carter Jefferson-Wilkins Dunkerton IA General Agriculture DIPL
Trent Arens Dyersville IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Benjamin Thielen Dyersville IA Police Science AAS H
Ryan Reifenstahl Dysart IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Trista Elgin Earlville IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Cole Williamson Eldora IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Jersey Jeys Elk Run Heights IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Madison Embrey Evansdale IA Medical Assistant DIPL
Kasey Thompson Evansdale IA Paramedic CERT
Melissa Wildeboer Evansdale IA Medical Assistant DIPL
Chloe Kleinheksel Fairbank IA Transfer Major: Early  Childhood Teacher Licensure AA
Bryce Zimmerman Fairbank IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Lukas Boge Farley IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL HH
Kade Kuennen Fort Atkinson IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Shane Riehle Fort Atkinson IA Paramedic CERT
Gavin Purvis Garwin IA Network Administration and Engineering AAS
Lauren Molyneux Gibson IA Liberal Arts AA H
Hannah Vaverka Gladbrook IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS H
Tanner Hoeg Grundy Center IA Ag Business Management AAS HH
Calista Harbaugh Guttenberg IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Nicholas Turner Hampton IA Paramedic CERT HH
Nicholas Turner Hampton IA Emergency Medical Services AAS HH
Ashton Pfister Hawkeye IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS HH
Isaac Baldwin Hudson IA Intermediate Manufacturing Welding: GTAW, Carbon Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel DIPL
Elyse Trunck Hudson IA Liberal Arts AA
Kaitlyn Pedersen Humboldt IA Liberal Arts AA
Kayla Mason Independence IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Brooklynn Mundschenk Independence IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Pyper Naylor Independence IA Liberal Arts AA HH
Caleb Weber Independence IA Police Science AAS
Rachel Woods Independence IA Veterinary Assisting DIPL HH
Sydney Peterson Ionia IA General Agriculture DIPL
Ally Porath Iowa Falls IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS HH
Spencer Bruess Janesville IA Paramedic CERT
Conner Clubine Janesville IA CNC Machining Technology DIPL
Blake Brown Jesup IA Network Administration and Engineering AAS
Sarah Burke Jesup IA Liberal Arts AA
Brody Clark-Hurlbert Jesup IA Liberal Arts AA H
Andrew Hamilton Jesup IA Paramedic CERT HH
Kaiti Mergen Jesup IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Dawson Youngblut Jesup IA Electronics Technician DIPL HH
Daniel Petersen La Porte City IA Liberal Arts AA
Adyn Schmuecker La Porte City IA Liberal Arts AA
Vail Li Manchester IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Sean Curran Mason City IA Paramedic CERT H
Connar Elliott Mason City IA Paramedic CERT
Keenan Feldpausch Mason City IA Paramedic CERT PH
Ryan Gilmore Mason City IA Paramedic CERT HH
Logan McGillivray Mason City IA Paramedic CERT
Ava Pruin Mason City IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS H
Luke Smith Mason City IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL HH
Jaedon Probasco Montezuma IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Karle Kramer Monticello IA Emergency Medical Technician CERT PH
Kendrick Huck Nashua IA Advanced Welding DIPL H
Megan Stille Nashua IA Liberal Arts AA
Joshua Schuchhardt New Hampton IA Emergency Medical Services AAS
Joshua Schuchhardt New Hampton IA Paramedic CERT
Brady Osborn Newhall IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS H
Maria Franke Nora Springs IA Respiratory Care AAS H
Tyrone Armstead Oelwein IA Advanced Welding DIPL
Alyssa Burco Oelwein IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Kaitlyn Fox Orchard IA Emergency Medical Technician CERT HH
Libby Manning Ossian IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Lucas Allan Parkersburg IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Bailey Culver Pella IA Transfer Major: Psychology AA
Titus Hopkins Pella IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Rafael Avila Perry IA Emergency Medical Technician CERT
Hannah Spree Plainfield IA Liberal Arts AA
Kamryn Roney Plymouth IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Sierra Mohs Postville IA Dental Assisting DIPL H
Nicholas Samuelson Raymond IA Sustainable Construction & Design AAS
Kimberly Browning Readlyn IA Paramedic CERT
Braden Knight Readlyn IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Casey O'Donnell Readlyn IA Liberal Arts AA HH
Rayyan Al-Rabie Reinbeck IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Anthony Stice Reinbeck IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Nicholas Westendorf Rockwell IA Paramedic CERT
Olivia Rauch Ryan IA Dental Assisting DIPL H
Joseph Beyer Saint Ansgar IA Police Science AAS
Jadyn North Saint Ansgar IA Paramedic CERT
Rachel Rusche Sibley IA Respiratory Care AAS H
Greta Wengert State Center IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS H
Sandra Cizek Steamboat Rock IA Emergency Medical Technician CERT
Ian Northrop Sumner IA CNC Machining Technology DIPL
Brady Riechmann Traer IA Paramedic CERT
Travis Waller Traer IA Paramedic CERT HH
Travis Waller Traer IA Emergency Medical Services AAS HH
Lainey Willenbring Traer IA Dental Assisting DIPL HH
Samantha Birkholz Tripoli IA Practical Nursing DIPL H
Deven DeGroote Tripoli IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Jose Uribe-Sarabia Tripoli IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Nicole Ulsh Urbandale IA Respiratory Care AAS H
Jaden Benesh Walker IA Dental Assisting DIPL HH
Kolby Huxley Wapello IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL H
Roger Whitcomb Wapello IA Paramedic CERT PH
Roger Whitcomb Wapello IA Emergency Medical Services AAS PH
BreAnna Abernathey Waterloo IA Police Science AAS
Arijana Alagic Waterloo IA Medical Assistant DIPL
David Ansimbanda Waterloo IA Computer Networking Technician DIPL
Griffen Bender Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
Dylan Borseth Waterloo IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL HH
Alexis Bravo Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
Denita Brown Waterloo IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Spencer Bruess Waterloo IA Paramedic CERT
Tyler Brustkern Waterloo IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Isaac Cole Waterloo IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Camille DeVries Waterloo IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS
Dayton Duncan Waterloo IA Computer Networking Technician DIPL HH
Dayton Duncan Waterloo IA Network Administration and Engineering AAS HH
Norelys Figueroa Fernandez Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
Corey Finzen Waterloo IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Jocelyn Fox Waterloo IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Tyler Good Waterloo IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Brittany Hancock Waterloo IA Respiratory Care AAS H
Elliott Hovey Waterloo IA Advanced Welding DIPL H
Ngun Iang Waterloo IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Dominique Johnson Waterloo IA Emergency Medical Technician CERT PH
Ebone Johnson Waterloo IA Transfer Major: Early  Childhood Teacher Licensure AA
Mya Johnson Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
Kerigan Kammeyer Waterloo IA Paramedic CERT
Sofia Kane Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA H
Rocky Kayembe Waterloo IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Rocky Kayembe Waterloo IA Collision Repair and Refinishing AAS
Rhonesha Keys Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
Delaney Kopriva Waterloo IA Ag Business Management AAS
Khadijah Kunkle Waterloo IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Aquayla Lumpkin Waterloo IA Transfer Major: Criminal Justice AA
Abigail Marquart Waterloo IA Dental Assisting DIPL HH
Chad Miller Waterloo IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL
Clayton Mills Waterloo IA Electronics Technician DIPL
Jean Moessner Waterloo IA Paramedic CERT
Jean Moessner Waterloo IA Emergency Medical Services AAS
Sanaa Moss Waterloo IA Transfer Major Fine Arts AA
Elma Murtic Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA HH
Derek Olive Waterloo IA Paramedic CERT
Derek Olive Waterloo IA Emergency Medical Services AAS
Sara Pierce Waterloo IA Intermediate Manufacturing Welding: GTAW, Carbon Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel DIPL HH
Bryce Pilcher Waterloo IA Emergency Medical Technician CERT
Noah Putz Waterloo IA Advanced Welding DIPL
Cameron Ratute Waterloo IA Network Administration and Engineering AAS
Iryonna Reed Waterloo IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Rylee Reed Waterloo IA Respiratory Care AAS
Kyle Rothfus Waterloo IA Computer Networking Technician DIPL HH
Edith Ruiz-Mendez Waterloo IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Isaac Ryan Waterloo IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Sead Sabanagic Waterloo IA Police Science AAS
Tiana Selimagic Waterloo IA Transfer Major: Psychology AA HH
Kassandra Silver Waterloo IA Medical Laboratory Technology AAS HH
Heather Sliekers Waterloo IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Henry Smith Waterloo IA Basic Collision Repair DIPL
Nikki Smith Waterloo IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Tracie Spencer Waterloo IA Medical Assistant DIPL HH
Kennedy Stevenson Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
John Thierman Waterloo IA Electronics Technician DIPL
Grace Thompson Waterloo IA Liberal Arts AA
Lauren Weidner Waterloo IA Web Programming & Development AAS HH
Aleah Winkowitsch Waterloo IA Medical Assistant DIPL
David Zeck Waterloo IA Advanced Welding DIPL
Aaron Zwack Waterloo IA Heating and Air Conditioning DIPL HH
Tanner Marting Waukon IA CNC Machining Technology DIPL
Natalie Burman Waverly IA Liberal Arts AA
Keaton Farmer Waverly IA Liberal Arts AA
Deborah Freese Waverly IA Practical Nursing DIPL HH
Isaiah Gleason Waverly IA CNC Machining Technology DIPL
Grace Golly Waverly IA Practical Nursing DIPL
Emma Heim Waverly IA Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS HH
Paige Hoffman Waverly IA Liberal Arts AA H
Ashley Klamfoth Waverly IA Paramedic CERT H
Ashley Klamfoth Waverly IA Emergency Medical Services AAS H
Mackenna Potts Waverly IA Practical Nursing DIPL HH
Faith Schulze Waverly IA Liberal Arts AS
Chloe Trowbridge Waverly IA Liberal Arts AA H
Kamryn Umthum Waverly IA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS H
Levi Waschkat Waverly IA CNC Machining Technology DIPL H
Kaiden Macias West Liberty IA Intermediate Manufacturing Welding: GTAW, Carbon Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel DIPL
Xavier Davis Windsor Heights IA Liberal Arts AA
Macy Lisle Woodward IA Dental Assisting DIPL
Takeyah Williams Chicago IL Respiratory Care AAS
Jordan Gallentine Morrison IL Physical Therapist Assistant AAS
Ethan Koski Hayfield MN Paramedic CERT
Jesse Heath Greenville TX Cybersecurity AAS
Danielle Olson Barron WI Medical Laboratory Technology AAS
Audrey Wirts La Farge WI Dental Assisting DIPL HH
Josie Hulke Mondovi WI Occupational Therapy Assistant AAS H
Brandon Long Prairie Du Chien WI Electronics Technician DIPL HH
Brandon Long Prairie Du Chien WI Electronics Engineering Technology AAS HH


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